Of Note This Week - February 14th 2022 Edition

No Code Tools

Since both of us have product and design backgrounds, we’ve tossed around endless ideas for digital products we could build together. And in the past we used to get hung up on the fact that neither of us code (or code well, at least — does my HTML hacking count? no?) These days the slew of no code tools & platforms is completely blowing up and if we did pursue building something I’m sure we’d try some of these out to get over our development humps:

Centenarian Olympics

In the spirit of training for retirement... I had heard discovered the idea of the Centenarian Olympics on Peter Attia’s podcast years ago, and just recently came across it again. In a nutshell, these Olympics revolve around setting physical goals for your 100 year old self, and then working backwards to make sure you hit them. One example Peter has is being able to lift up and carry his grand- or great grandchildren. So instead of focusing on a more generic goal like being able to deadlift 500 lbs, you work backwards from that goal. Let’s say a carry-weight child is approximately 40 lbs, what exercises would you need to do now to do that (and at 60, 80, and then 100 years old) interpolating age-related declines in strength? And what movements would you need to work on — squats, forward bends, etc? Peter has 18 of his own “events’ for his Centenarian Olympics, and now I’m intrigued to create my own!

Mentorship Continuum

As we open ourselves up for coaching opportunities, I’ve been exposed to other coaching platforms in my research. The field is as wide as there are disciplines to work in — it’s clear everyone can benefit from coaching in every stage of career and life. As a designer, one digital platform has really gained momentum in its mission of connecting design mentors with mentees — ADP List (Amazing Design People List) has grown quickly into a global mentorship platform with over 5000 mentors! Does your field have it’s own ADPList?


Money, Happiness, and Productivity


Training for Retirement