Of Note This Week - February 11th 2022 Edition

Training for retirement

It’s been immensely refreshing to take time away from work to focus on some personal projects and to get grounded again. Perhaps equally as important, taking mini retirements provides an opportunity understand yourself so that you’re prepared when you actually leave the working world for good.

Everyone is wired differently. Some people are perfectly happy when they transition into retirement, others may require some additional tweaks to help with the adjustment. For some this might mean finding a new purpose in life.

Finding that purpose and balance may require practice and planning. Even though you may have hobbies, side projects and initiatives in mind, it’s important to understand if these are enough to keep you satiated for the long haul. Some of the activities may require a ramp up and may be best started long before retirement.

It’s been a while since I’ve gone back to read the blog - Get Rich Slowly. I found the blog posts outlining the various stages from debt to financial freedom to be very helpful. In particular, there’s a section that discusses how different individuals have found happiness after they have reached financial independence some have taken up part time jobs others have gone back to work.

Tools for Finding Your Next Gig

As we talk to more people who are looking for their next opportunity, a few resources have popped up in our own research that have proved extremely valuable. One of the challenges we hear over and over again (and in our own searches in the past) is, as a job seeker, how do you know and I mean really know that a company matches your values, has the right culture, leadership, and all these areas that you honestly never have time to dive deep into during an interview. Or scratch that — could you discover this before you even choose to apply somewhere?

A few research tools have popped up that seem really useful:

  • Glassdoor - Glassdoor allows employees and job seekers to provide “reviews” on an organization. They have decent Canadian content as well, which is a plus for us Canucks.

  • Comparably - I love these guys, they are like Glassdoor on steroids. The information is much better organized and they get data on more categories, like employee engagement through eNPS. Unfortunately they are very US centric at the moment, but hopefully they will slowly expand into new markets.

  • Key Values - I have a post on Lynne Tye’s journey as a solo entrepreneur as the founder of Key Values. I love the idea of this product, as it dives deep in the nuances of what you might be looking for in terms of culture and values alignment. Designers can I get a what-what for “design-driven product process?”

Michael Schur

Michael Schur was recently on the Tim Ferriss Show. If you don’t know him, you know his content: Schur is a writer/creator/producer of some of our favourite TV series including Saturday Night Live, The Office (US), The Good Place, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and many more. In this episode he dives into his journey in being funny, his lucky breaks, and pulls the curtain back on what goes into his shows.

He’s also got a new book coming out based on what he’s learned through his study of moral philosophy in creating The Good Place. It’s called How to Be Perfect: The Correct Answer to Every Moral Question and I can’t wait to read it!

DeFi Land

Been testing out Defi Land. It’s still in beta and requires a Solana wallet to connect and start playing. The game is set on a farm, and the idea is to buy seeds and grow them for yield. This part of the game requires some capital to actually buy the seeds. Besides growing crops, there are some side games that are pretty straight forward and fun and the player is rewarded with XP. Curious to see how the game evolves over time.

Happy weekend everyone!


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