8 Month Reflection Point

Some days it still feels surreal, but I’ve come to the realization that my current “funployment” session is hitting 8 months, and before I know it I’ll have been out of my professional career for a year. A year! 365 days! This is the longest I’ve been unemployed since I started working.

Have I made the right call?

Is it scary? I’d be lying if I said I don’t have concerns that pop into my head from time to time. Am I still employable after a long time away from the workforce if I need to jump back into something? Is my drawdown strategy still reasonable to fund our ongoing expenses? Am I just wasting my days away?

At the same time it’s been amazingly affirming. Even after long conversations with Howard about his decision to re-enter the professional workforce, where I also fully support his decision and understand how he’s arrived at that. In fact — it’s an amazing opportunity for him and I couldn’t be happier to see where it takes him. I did ponder my own route and went through a personal re-evaluation of my decisions to stay the course.

It’s always a myriad of factors, but really my decision boils down to one thing, and that thing is energy.

Life force

If you’ve been following, I’ve embarked on discovering what really gives me energy and what takes it away — I’m on a mission to increase the energy sources and decrease the energy sucks. And even though I’ve been off for a decent amount of time, there’s some personal energy sucks that are longer term that I still haven’t quite conquered yet, and I also know that these aren’t easy ones to solve. If I'm being honest, through this time I’ve had to reflect, I’ve let this baggage weigh me down for a long time now and if I don’t make meaningful progress in these areas first, I may not be able to find the energy to tackle something meaningfully.

It’s kind of that simple, yet like all things in life, pretty complicated too. But that’s ok — since I have some freedom I’m hoping I can devote more time and effort to get things in a good place while continuing on the quest to find the energy sources that can help counterbalance my bigger issues.

Stay tuned as I continue figuring it out!


Of Note This Week - April 1, 2022 Edition


The Next Chapter