Of Note This Week - April 1, 2022 Edition


I learned about this amazing agency-of-one through the Indie Hackers podcast — #249 – The Keys to Making $1M/Year as a Solo Founder with Brett Williams of DesignJoy

It’s the story of someone who is incredibly good at what they do and they’ve been able to scale to $1M/year in revenue by being really clever about streamlining operations, raising prices, and just encapsulating everything around the things he’s really good at. A ton to like here — Brett’s a designer, he forces his clients to forego meetings (Memories of Sahil Lavingia here) and he is able to just work on the parts he loves. Amazingly inspiring.

Shane Parrish’ Decision Journaling

I came across this little Shane Parrish gem recently and I love the idea of a Decision Journal, so I wanted to drop a mention here really quick.

Shane Parrish designed this to capture all of the information around a decision point, analyze it, and then document it for the future in a way that is easy to come back to and reflect upon all the pieces leading to it and learn from making that decision later. I love the idea of this. A great use case I suggested to Howard was to analyze his latest life changing decision.

Regret - Daniel Pink Book

This book brings into the spotlight the importance of examining our own regrets and how we can learn from them and make decisions to avoid regrets in the future. Daniel Pink breaks down the different types of regret to make it easier for the reader to identify the ones that resonate most with us and to take action.


Rethinking Regret


8 Month Reflection Point