Of Note This Week - March 7, 2022 Edition

Block by Block — Notion’s virtual conference just happened on March 2, 2022. Some great talks including keynotes by Ira Glass and Martha Stewart. I really enjoyed the format where they set up 2 different presentation tracks:

  • Personal Productivity:

    • Creators are increasingly using Notion and other platforms to organize their lives, but Notion itself is fostering a creator community focused on teaching productivity methodology, hacks, selling their own templates, courses, and even services for customizing the design so that you love looking at it everyday!

    • A few of my favourite Notion productivity gurus that presented included August Bradley, Marie Poulin, and Thomas Frank.

  • Scaling a company through hypergrowth

    • Some great reminders from the panel about the importance of prioritizing people and making sure that the core team is built up with the right members first.

    • From a prioritization perspective, some good reminders to focus on important but not urgent tasks, and considering what a good year would look like (zooming out a little bit) and making sure the tasks ladder up to the overall goals that need to be accomplished.

Some notes from a few podcasts we listened to:

  • Cal Newport - Ep 174 - CALLS: Thinking for Yourself

    • A student asked Cal what he should consider doing for his gap year during the pandemic when travel and social interactions are limited. Cal the following three suggestions:

      • Read with a purpose in mind and choose an area to focus on

        • Go deep instead of broad

      • Create something (writing, drawing)

      • Physical activity / stay in shape

  • Tim Ferriss - Ep. 576 - Morgan Housel - The Psychology of Money, Picking the Right Game, and the $6 Million Janitor

    There were so many great nuggets in this podcast, that I listened to it twice. Topics ranged from investment, finance, and behavioural finance. There were so many great points and quotes, here’s one of them:

    • I value independence more than anything else in finance

      “Doing what you want, when you want, with whom you want, for as long as you want, is the most incredible thing money offers that too often goes overlooked. Viewing every additional dollar of wealth as …Haha, there’s a little bit more independence and a part of my future I now own… is a fun way to think about it.”

    • The grass is always greener on the side that’s fertilized with bullshit - Morgan Housel


Small Acts of Kindness


A Different Way of Thinking