Secrets to reaching your goals

Getting started is half the battle

Prior to COVID I had a great fitness routine with a gym partner, we would constantly push each other to the next level and help each other improve our health. However, as soon as the gyms closed down, my fitness level began to drop. Before I knew it, I was out of shape and was stuck in a rut no longer wanting to run or workout. As the months progressed, fortunately my wife, whom I normally don’t workout with, convinced me to join her on her morning runs and helped set me back on track.

This simple example reminded me about how to overcome inertia and take steps to reach any goal.

Start with the smallest possible baby step

It’s amazing how some things really don’t change despite all the modern advancements we’ve made. That classic Lao Tzu saying that the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step is a primary example. It has stood the test of time, sounds so simple that it’s laughable but it can be applied to any goal you set for yourself. For instance, want to be in great shape? Literally start by taking that first step. Want to have a million dollar portfolio? Start by investing that first dollar. Want to have that dream career? Take that first baby step and talk to someone in the field.

The trick is, once you think you have identified the first step, see if there’s a baby step that’s even smaller so that you can set the bar even lower! Keep asking yourself, is there something that is smaller than that first step? Get to a point where you think to yourself, this step is so small, why don’t I just do it instead of spending more time thinking about it? For instance, before you run the first mile, what if you just got in the habit of getting out the door and going for a walk? If you’re launching a new project or product, before you run a friends and family test, what about scheduling an internal dry run?

Remove all the friction points

Now that you have identified the smallest possible baby step, focus on removing any friction to achieve that first win. If your goal is to start running, how about laying out all your running gear the night before so there’s one less friction point when you wake up? If your goal is to build a million dollar portfolio, how about opening a trading account, and transferring some money so that it’s ready to go?

Another common friction point is the anxiety over whether your output will be good enough. At this stage, don’t worry about it, it’s all about building momentum. If the goal is to write, Tim Ferriss reminds us to start by writing 2 crappy pages. The idea is to take action, lower the bar so that you can overcome the inertia. Accept the mistakes and errors that are bound to happen at this stage.

Feeling overwhelmed and not having enough time is another common friction point. To counter this, again start small. How about a 10 min workout or a 20 min writing session? In reality there’s a strong likelihood that once you get going the session may last longer than what you had planned. It’s amazing how action breeds more action.

Block it off in your calendar

Once the wheels are turning, keep the momentum going. Commit to your goal and block the time in your calendar and turn it into a habit. If it’s a running goal, schedule the exact time of your run and stick to the plan. The tough part is to stick to the plan and keep at it. 

Setting a deadline is also another approach to increasing the chances of success. Whether that means signing up for that marathon or declaring a project launch date. Once a target milestone is declared, it forces you to think of creative ways to achieve that goal.

When in doubt find a good friend

We are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. It seems to apply to all aspects of life – from fitness, to wealth, to anything really. Therefore, consider who to spend time so that the values, goals and aspirations that you have can be realized. 

Some of my own proudest moments are the achievements that were made possible by joining forces with friends. Everything from raising kids to competing in physical challenges (Marathon, Spartan, Tough Mudder), exploring new countries to starting a company, to launching new projects. Sometimes a goal feels overwhelming and seemingly impossible but partnering with a friend really helps provide each of you with the support and the motivation to overcome these barriers.



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